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Are your employees' computers & software working smoothly? Find out!


Why the focus on Digital Employee Experience (DEX)?

Companies are waking up to how expensive it is when their Digital Employee Experience (DEX) is in bad shape. The Robert Half Technology Survey found that on average end-users lose 22 minutes a day due to technology issues – this adds up to a loss of two weeks per year per employee! If you are a company of 500 employees with each employee losing two weeks per year due to tech issues that is a staggering 1,000 weeks of lost productivity coming in at a massive cost for the company.

And not only is employee productivity suffering, their job satisfaction is too: a recent study by Ivanti found that 26% of employees are considering quitting their jobs because they lack suitable tech.

Clearly, making sure your DEX is in good shape matters!


Your employees don't have computer issues... or do they?

Help Desk does not tell the whole truth: If you’re relying on end-users to let you know when there are issues, then you should know that they are not a reliable monitoring system: over half of all issues go un-reported. Employees just push on without complaining.

But even if they go unreported, they are out there: according to CIO Insight “29% of employees say that computer problems are the biggest productivity killer in the office.”



You probably have computer & software issues you aren’t even aware of:

Our experience with over 1000 customer environments is that things are usually not as you imagine them to be. Some of the most common issues we've found when doing DEX Assessments have been:

  • Issues affecting employee productivity: worn out batteries, high memory usage and slow start-up times.
  • Issues affecting computer & software maintenance: software & OS version sprawl and sw updates not installed.
  • Issues affecting security readiness: disk encryption off, local admin rights, and unapproved software. 



Discover whether you have hidden issues in your computer environment - with a complimentary DEX Assessment

To check the condition of your computer & software environment, schedule a free DEX Assessment with one of our DEX Improvement Masters. 

The Assessment requires 2-3 hours of your time spread out over 3 weeks: 

  1. Kick-off meeting (45 mins): deploy Applixure agents - data collection begins immediately
  2. Review preliminary results (1hr): 1-2 weeks after kick-off, share & discuss preliminary findings
  3. Final results (1hr): 1-2 weeks after preliminary review, go through the final results & recommendations. 


What others have said about the DEX Assessment:

"After it had been running a few days, we could already see useful data: 'Look Otto, your computer is out of memory' and 'look Antti, your warranty ran out two years ago.'"

- Tommi Saarela, Senior IT Manager, Moonhill

"It's been an eye-opener. Applixure provides more information on our devices than we've ever really had before.'"

- Lee Walker, Head of Technology & Security, JTL.

👇Schedule a call to set up your complimentary DEX Assessment 👇 

Applixure is a B2B SaaS solution that provides IT with always up-to-date visibility of how computers and software are serving employees - to improve Digital Employee Experience (DEX). It pulls the relevant data into intuitive dashboards and clearly indicates high-impact yet easy-to-fix issues - enabling your IT to be more proactive. Set-up is quick, so you can start reaping the benefits almost overnight. Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Finland, Applixure is trusted by over 1000 companies and managed service providers (MSPs).