Success made easy with Applixure Partner Starter Pack

Applixure has been partnering with Managed Service Providers for years. We have watched our partners use data from Applixure to differentiate themselves from the competition, sell more, improve service levels and increase customer satisfaction (and thereby retention). When you partner with us, we will share those learnings with you to help you get the most out of the data and visibility that Applixure brings.

We offer Managed Service Providers a Partner Starter Pack so you can see for yourself how game-changing always up-to-date visibility of computers and software really is.

The Partner Starter Pack includes a series of four 30-60min meetings with a Partner Success Manager. In these meetings, they will take you through Applixure installation and walk you through the dashboards, alerts and warnings for the first time. In addition, the Partner Success Manager can provide training for your technical and sales teams to set you up for success.

Applixure Partner Starter Pack  in a nutshell: 

  • 2 month duration
  • Applixure installation for two environments (your + 1 customer environment of your choosing)
  • Four 30-60min meetings with your Partner Success Manager
  • Onboarding support
  • Product training - for your technical and sales teams
  • Help Center knowledge base - available 24/7
  • Technical support
  • Cost: €200/month. All inclusive (ie. no hidden fees!)

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