Case Study

GRK outsources IT services and wanted better visibility of computers and software

Executive Summary

GRK Group has outsourced the majority of its IT processes. However, GRK struggled with visibility of their computer environment and implemented Applixure Analytics to help. Applixure Analytics was adopted by both GRK and the outsourced IT departments and is now providing valuable information enriching the company’s IT processes and saving money.  

Challenges in the computer environment and visibility

GRK Group is an infrastructure construction group operating in Finland, Sweden, and Estonia. Jussi Erola, Director of IT for the Group, is responsible for all things IT including development of the IT environment, end-user management, and computer and network management for over 700 computers within the company.

Jussi has one colleague. The two of them make up GRK’s IT department: thus, the majority of their IT services have been outsourced, including IT support and device orders.  With a lot of processes being outsourced, Jussi and his colleague were facing challenges with the visibility of their computer environment:

”We lacked a lot of information about our computer environment and couldn’t get a clear view of the bigger picture in order to improve it..”

Essentially, it was important to get more detailed and up-to-date information about the computers: their applications, update versions, security updates, warranties, and so on. Relevant data was needed in order to manage and fix recurring problems.

Additionally, the company had been in the habit of using computers until they died and had a challenge knowing how and when to renew their machines. Understandably, Jussi didn’t want to get into a situation where the machines break down on all users at the same time:

“We wanted to know in advance how many old machines we had, for example, so we could plan which machines we should replace next year. We were in the dark about things like that.”

With these challenges in mind, Jussi sums up their IT needs:

“We wanted to really see below the surface into our environment in order to solve all the challenges we had with our computer environment.”
Applixure collects relevant data to reveal the whole picture

A little while after launching Applixure, it had gathered enough data on GRK’s computer environment and was ready to reveal its findings. Jussi was surprised by the amount of data that Applixure provided, but even more importantly, the amount of relevant data that IT could use. IT departments often have a lot of data, however, the data isn’t always useful. Jussi explains how Applixure presents its data:

“Applixure brings the information and analysis of the overall environment together. You don't have to look at one computer at a time to see what the situation is but can see the whole picture. Armed with that view we can then take measures to solve the problems. In other words, we use the information to implement solutions to build a better environment.”
Improving security readiness in a crucial industry

One of the important categories of relevant data that Applixure provides is security readiness. Knowing the computer environment’s level of information security is essential in a lot of industries but is especially crucial in infrastructure. GRK has other security systems in place, however, Jussi feels that Applixure is a great addition to improve the company’s security. 

Increased proactivity leads to improved computer lifecycle management

With the help of Applixure, Jussi has been able to improve GRK’s computer lifecycle management. Now, it is easier to plan hardware purchases and manually upgrade computers based on accurate information. Jussi explains:

“Applixure has made computer lifecycle management much easier. We are now able to proactively solve problems in our IT environment based on the information we get from Analytics.”

Being proactive in equipment maintenance has positively affected the users’ productivity. Computers - the end-users’ most important tools - work smoothly and efficiently. Thus, the employees can keep working without losing hours of productivity:

“We have been able to proactively carry out maintenance on the computers which means they stay in better condition.”
Outsourced IT Support was Happy to Start Using Applixure

In addition to improving computer lifecycle management, Applixure has helped GRK’s outsourced IT Support address specific problems. When helping end-users with day-to-day IT problems, the IT Support can anticipate problems beforehand based on Analytics data. They can already see what the problem might be when someone calls and can therefore start solving the problem right away. This kind of everyday support is the most visible benefit that Analytics provides to the IT Support. 

Jussi admits that before taking Analytics on board he questioned whether the IT Support would adopt the product into their everyday use. In the end, the doubts were unfounded:

“I had concerns about whether our IT Support would actually start using Applixure, but it was quickly adopted by them once everyone realized how useful it is.“
Cost savings from fixing hardware and software issues

Since introducing Analytics to GRK’s operations, its main function has been gathering information and improving the condition of the company’s computer equipment. By keeping up-to-date with the condition of their machines, GRK has been able to generate cost savings in terms of users’ productive hours. 

Now, they are also starting to use the application and software side of the product more actively. By looking at the usage of purchased software and applications, GRK can make informed decisions and thus make significant savings by canceling subscriptions that are not being used. With the amount of data Analytics provides, you can always find things to improve on.

Analytics enhances what you already have

Before being introduced to Analytics, Jussi had acknowledged some challenges GRK was having with their computer environment, however, he was not actively looking for solutions to these problems. By chance, Jussi came across Applixure and was introduced to the product and its benefits. Now, Analytics is a significant part of GRK’s IT infrastructure as Jussi explains: 

“Before taking Analytics on board, we recognized our challenges with the computer visibility but were not actively looking for solutions to solve them. It was more by luck that we discovered Applixure and saw the benefits that it could bring to GRK. There is a lot of information and benefits you wouldn’t even think Analytics could give you until you start using it.”

Analytics did not replace any existing system but proved to be a valuable addition that enriches the information for GRK’s use. 

Cost efficient and easy to take into use

Applixure Analytics has been a beneficial tool for improving GRK’s IT processes. Jussi is particularly happy with how easy it was to take into use and how cost-efficient it is. When asked for advice to give to people interested in Analytics, Jussi simply states:

“There is no tip other than that if you want a comprehensive overview of your company's computers then you should get Applixure in place. I don't have any tips for it because it's so easy to set up. You don't have to prepare anything - just distribute the agents and sign the contract. If you want to see what’s happening inside your computers, you should get Applixure. It’s a great tool.”
Take a free look at what Applixure can show you about your environment - schedule a quick call to set it up!

GKR is a Finnish construction industry group operating in Finland, Sweden and Estonia. GRK Group's core competencies include the implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects, project management of large projects, and extensive track construction and maintenance. We have accumulated a lot of experience in demanding infrastructure projects and a clear vision of how the projects should be managed. We make projects worry-free for our customers. Thanks to our straightforward and agile way of working, we are able to react quickly and do what we promise. The more challenging the project, the better it suits us.

Applixure is a B2B SaaS solution that provides IT with always up-to-date visibility of how computers and software are serving employees. It pulls the relevant data into intuitive dashboards and clearly indicates high-impact yet easy-to-fix issues - enabling your IT to be more proactive. Set-up is quick, so you can start reaping the benefits almost overnight. Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Finland, Applixure is trusted by over 1000 companies and managed service providers (MSPs). Give your IT the visibility it needs to improve your digital employee experience with Applixure.