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Case: Pihla Group gained transparency and productivity with Applixure Analytics

Executive Summary

Pihla Group appreciates Applixure Analytics for the visibility it brings. It enables more transparent cooperation with their managed service provider, and visibility into the IT environments of acquired companies. In addition, Pihla can monitor the health of their own environment, and make sure that employees’ computers are working safely and smoothly.



Pihla Group is a Finnish company providing door and window solutions for consumers, housing companies, and the construction industry. Pihla Group is part of Inwido Group, one of the biggest door and window manufacturers in Europe with over 4900 employees in 11 countries. Analytics was first taken into use by Pihla Group, and other companies of the Inwido Group have started to use it. Analytics is used for asset inventory, security, software/licensing usage, as well as to identify problems that require action from IT.


Transparent Cooperation with their IT Service Provider


Jouko Oksanen is the IT Director at Pihla Group. His team is responsible for over 700 computers. Jouko had clear goals for what he wanted to achieve with Applixure Analytics from the get-go. For some time, he had wanted greater transparency in the cooperation with their IT Service Provider. He explains:

”We needed common metrics for both parties. Traditionally, service providers have their solutions for reporting, but the reporting is based on snapshots of certain situations, and we lacked full transparency to what they tell us. We needed a joint solution based on which we can undeniably discuss the same facts.”


With Analytics, both Pihla Group and the service provider have access to the same information which provides the building blocks for more transparent and comprehensive reporting.


Need for Visibility into IT Infrastructure During Acquisitions

Acquisitions are an essential part of Inwido Group's expansion strategy. When new companies are acquired, there is a need for visibility into the acquired company’s computer environment. Applixure Analytics offers this visibility as Oksanen explains:

“Applixure is one of the first stage solutions taken into use after acquiring new companies and important in gaining the visibility into these companies."


Consequently, Analytics has become a group-level solution.


Excellent Piloting Experience

Since Pihla Group had a clear vision of how Applixure Analytics could help them, the process of choosing Analytics was fairly straightforward. Yet, before taking it into use, they conducted piloting that further strengthened the positive image of the product. Oksanen describes the piloting as one of the best he has witnessed in his career:

“The piloting was super easy. We were up and running in about 15 minutes: we signed up for an account, distributed the agents, and Applixure Analytics started collecting data right away. Definitely one of the easiest and most positive piloting experiences of my career – it was pretty cool!”

How Pihla Group Uses Applixure

1. Visibility into asset inventory:

Before starting to use Analytics, only their Service Provider had visibility of the asset inventory. Now Analytics gives Pihla the needed visibility.

2. Monitoring software usage and licensing:

They can notice if they pay for licenses that employees are not using and save money.

3. Identifying issues that need action:

Analytics helps IT to identify problems and to monitor the health of the computer environment. With this, Pihla can ensure they’re getting the service level they have agreed on with their MSP.

4.  Monitoring security:

  • Make sure the encryption software (eg. Bitlocker) is on
  • Track compliance with GDPR
  • Have access to information even their MSP’s management tools can’t provide
  • Save time by bringing all information to one place

5. Service Desk:

Pihla has given their Service Desk full access to Analytics. Analytics includes information that is available in other systems but presents it in a clearer way. In addition, there is information that Service Desk's systems don't show at all. Analytics allows the Service Desk to enhance and enrich its operations.


ROI From Improved Employee Productivity

Applixure Analytics generates information about problems the employees face while working on their computers. Such issues are not always ‘major’ but may result in lost productivity if not fixed. The ability to improve employee productivity is a concrete and financial benefit for companies, which has also been recognized at Pihla.

Oksanen sees a lot of value in the visibility that Analytics brings:

"Not everyone reports their computer issues to IT. If, for example, an employee has issues with Windows crashing and doesn't report it, that employee's productivity declines and nobody notices it. When you can see and respond to computer issues without employees needing to report them, you can avoid such drops in productivity, and that is a concrete financial benefit.”



Working with Applixure is Transparent

In Applixure’s user voice channels, Applixure’s customers can freely give feedback and share their ideas regarding the product. Oksanen appreciates Applixure’s openness to product development ideas and the transparency when it comes to responding to feature suggestions and the product roadmap:

“It’s easy to input ideas on the user voice side. I can see what others have suggested and the status of those suggestions. There is really good visibility of what features are in development and of the product roadmap. So, I don’t have to wonder what’s coming next.”

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“I recommend testing Applixure out (with a free trial or pilot). It's super simple to implement, and when you review the results with your Customer Success Manager, you're sure to find some 'aha' moments."


Advice for other IT Directors

Oksanen has a couple of recommendations for everyone who is considering Applixure Analytics:

1. Do a pilot:

“I recommend testing Applixure out (with a free trial or pilot). It's super simple to implement, and when you review the results with your Customer Success Manager, you're sure to find some 'aha' moments."

2. Look into how Applixure Analytics can improve employee productivity:

"With Applixure, it’s possible to proactively identify issues which are invisible to almost any monitoring system or workstation – without ever disturbing employees. That in itself is a cool thing and worth checking out."

Pihla Group - Jouko Oksanen - IT Director

Jouko Oksanen

IT Director, Pihla Group




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Pihla Group Oy Finland's largest window and door solution provider, whose goal is to improve people's quality of life with windows and doors. Pihla Group develops and manufactures windows and doors under the Pihla, PihlaPRO, Tiivi, Profin, Klas1, Sydänpuu, Metallityö Välimäki and Puuseppien brands for consumers, housing associations and customers in the construction industry. The wide range of brands serves all customers, from renovation and new projects to the most architecturally challenging projects and various public and administrative buildings. Through its operations, Pihla Group builds a better society and a more sustainable tomorrow. Learn more at

Since 2005, Pihla Group have been part of Inwido AB, which is Europe’s leading window group. With 4600 employees in 11 countries, Inwido's business concept is to develop and sell the market's best customized window and door solutions through a decentralized structure and with focus on the consumer-driven market, in order to create long-term sustainable growth, organically and through acquisitions. Learn more at

Applixure is a B2B SaaS solution that provides IT with always up-to-date visibility of how computers and software are serving employees. It pulls the relevant data into intuitive dashboards and clearly indicates high-impact yet easy-to-fix issues - enabling your IT to be more proactive. Set-up is quick, so you can start reaping the benefits almost overnight. Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Finland, Applixure is trusted by over 1000 companies and managed service providers (MSPs). Give your IT the visibility it needs to improve your digital employee experience with Applixure.