CEO Update: 10 Years of Applixure


Published June 19th, 2024


It’s Harri “10 years older” Turtiainen here,


A decade is a long time and within the past 10 years, the world has seen its fair share of milestones: Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar, Pokemon Go sent everyone out exploring, scientists revealed the first-ever image of a black hole and so on... And of course, the C pandemic, which completely transformed our work-from-home culture.


In addition to these significant changes in the world, A LOT has also happened at Applixure since its birth a decade ago: 


  • (Applixure was actually founded in 2012, with operations commencing in 2013)
  • In 2014 Applixure acquired its first official customer and launched its first product. Initially, “Applixure” stood for the company and its only product, now known as Applixure Analytics
  • By 2019, our collaboration with JYSK marked our entry into the international markets, and since then we have acquired customers from all over Europe
  • The year 2022 saw the launch of our second product, Applixure Workflow
  • In 2023 Applixure Feedback joined our portfolio as our third product


3 brilliant products to serve our customers


Our first product, Applixure Analytics has been the foundation of Applixure: giving visibility to computers and software which allows for providing a better digital employee experience. With continued product development, we were excited to launch our second product in 2022: Applixure Workflow. Workflow is an easy-to-use add-on designed to streamline operations and transform Analytics data into actionable tasks. Last year, we introduced our third product, Applixure Feedback to ensure employee satisfaction. Expanding our product portfolio has been an exciting journey and now we can provide our customers with several solutions to improve their digital employee experience. 


Fresh branding to start a new decade


Since the beginning, Applixure has been known for its distinctive red brand colour. However, over time colours start to fade - even the bright red branding needed freshening up after 10 years. This initiated the idea of a brand uplift to establish a more consistent and vibrant brand image. 


Applixure brand uplift involved all the brand elements from content to visuals. A new, fresh look was introduced: the red became sharper, the logo more fun and the products gained their recognizable colours and icons. 


The brand uplift has been warmly welcomed by everyone at Applixure. Check it out yourself and let me know what you think.


One more big thing that has happened recently…


Earlier this year, Applixure achieved the globally recognised ISO 27001 information security certification. For us, this certification is a testament to the commitment and continuous improvement of our information security processes. Not only this, the certification also serves as evidence to enhance our customers’ trust now and in the future. 


So, to wrap it all up…


Over the past decade, Applixure has maintained a steady growth rate between 20 and 60% annually. Our mission has always been to build user-friendly DEX tools for any organization that shares our agile IT mindset, not just large enterprises.


Going from 1 customer to now having helped over 1000 organizations in 10 years is an achievement we are all proud of. Also, we are still working with our very first customer - we must be doing something right to have kept them happy for over a decade…


Looking forward, our goal is to sustain an annual growth rate of 40-50%. I see this as a realistic goal: Applixure has a strong foundation in Finland and a lot of potential in the international markets. 


Overall, in the past 10 years we have had a great “pössis” (= ”spirit of happening”, for those who are not familiar with the Finnish term), and we are committed to keeping the momentum alive. 


Keep your “pössis” going too, and don’t hesitate to shoot me a message if you need help with anything DEX-related.



Harri “10 years older” Turtiainen