Applixure has been selected as one of the top 9 Digital Employee Experience Management (DEX) solutions by leading IT industry analytics firm Enterprise Management Associates in their new report: EMA Radar for DEX. Applixure received EMA’s highest rating for its vision, ease of deployment and ease of use and was declared “one of the most cost-effective DEX solutions on the market”.
Recent trends such as bring your own device and work-from-anywhere are pushing the transition from traditional business-centric to modern end-user centric IT with the aim to increase workforce productivity and manage employees’ digital experiences.
"According to our primary research, 70% of organizations regard 'increasing workforce productivity' as a high priority to their business objectives—a goal inhibited by the fact that, on average, each individual employee is impacted by a digital experience issue 18 times per week," noted Steve Brasen, Research Director at Enterprise Management Associates.
Recognizing these evolving requirements, a number of innovative companies - Applixure among them - have developed a unique class of IT management platforms, commonly called Digital Employee Experience (DEX) solutions.
In their just-released report, EMA RadarTM for Digital Employee Experience Management (DEX), a leading IT industry analytics firm, Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) reviewed over two dozen DEX solutions. EMA identified only 9 as providing sufficient functionality to warrant a full review. Applixure was among these.
In EMA’s evaluation, Applixure is rated Outstanding – EMA’s highest rating - for its vision, ease of deployment, and ease of use. EMA declares Applixure to be “one of the most cost-effective DEX solutions on the market”.
"In our evaluation of the DEX marketplace, Applixure was clearly recognized as a rising star in addressing these urgent and emerging requirements. In particular, we were impressed with the platforms ease of use, support for core DEX functionality, and extreme cost-effectiveness." noted Steve Brasen from EMA
“Applixure’s vision is to make digital employee experience improvement available to everyone. Most DEX solutions are designed for large enterprises and are therefore too expensive and complex for most.
We focus on ease of implementation and ease of use. Our pragmatic approach with features that really provide value and quick access to relevant data in an intuitive user interface is loved by all sizes of companies, even many large enterprises select us over more complex enterprise solutions.”, explains Harri Turtiainen, CEO and co-founder of Applixure.
Harri continues: “Being selected as one of the top 9 DEX solutions in the world is a huge honor, as it shows that the market sees our simple approach as a true competitor against much more complicated enterprise solutions, many of which were not even deemed sufficient to be reviewed by EMA.”
In the Vendor Profile, EMA gives Applixure an above-average total score of 271.79 points (average is 242.31) with a stellar 90.17/100 score for Cost Advantage.
In addition, EMA highlights the following features in Applixure:
- Data analysis and structuring to provide actionable guidance
- Fast deployment
- Visual dashboards
- Productivity and experience scoring for devices and software
- Performance benchmarking
- Historical data and development trending
About Enterprise Management Associates, Inc. Founded in 1996, Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) is a leading industry analyst firm that provides deep insight across the full spectrum of IT and data management technologies. EMA analysts leverage a unique combination of practical experience, insight into industry best practices, and in-depth knowledge of current and planned vendor solutions to help EMA’s clients achieve their goals. Learn more about EMA research, analysis, and consulting services for enterprise line of business users, IT professionals, and IT vendors at