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NEWS: Applixure now supports web-based applications

Applixure can now track both locally installed software products and applications as well as browser-based applications. 


Published December 7, 2019.


Unlike traditionally (locally) installed software products and applications, web -based applications that are used through some client application - typically an Internet browser such as Firefox, Edge or Chrome - cannot be found and tracked for usage automatically by Applixure.

For this reason, we have introduced a new feature by which these kind of applications can be included in the software inventory in your Applixure environment just like any locally installed software found on the PCs. The feature is based on creating specific profiles for each web application on per-environment basis you would like to include and Applixure Agents on that enviroment will automatically start doing tracking for them.


As Applixure doesn't go inside any client software being used to access these web applications and must operate from the outside, there exists some limitations which web applications can effectively be tracked by the Applixure Agent and currently web application usage tracking is only available for Applixure Agents running on Windows.


Applixure takes employee experience improvement and IT efficiency to the next level


Applixure, the cloud-based software developed to measure and improve the digital employee experience, is already used by more than 700 companies and organizations that care about their employee experience. 


Applixure provides you with up-to-date information about the computers you have in, what is installed to those, how well they are utilized and how well they are functioning. And you get all of this in a quick and easy to understand format, completely prioritized, whenever and as soon as you need to know something.


Applixure takes IT efficiency and employee experience improvement to the next level. And best of all, no projects are needed for this, as results can be achieved quickly almost on a turnkey basis.


This is something you need to see and experience for yourself! See this all in practice via a concrete product demo by our Customer Success Team. 

Get started with Applixure

Gaining visibility into your employees' computers and software is easy with Applixure. Start your free trial today, or schedule a demo with our customer success team. 

Getting started is quick & easy:

  1. Complete sign-up form
  2. Deploy agents (pre-configured)
  3. Data collection begins immediately; dashboards are ready to view in a few hours
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Harri Turtiainen

Harri Turtiainen

CEO & co-founder



Email: harri(at)

___ : +358 40 500 2622
